SD Homecare has now provided three months of care at home for my mother. We have found everyone at SD Homecare to be friendly, efficient and keen to help in any way that they can. They are receptive, listening to what is needed and quickly reacting to provide a genuinely bespoke service; both within and outside the home. Their flexibility is impressive and greatly appreciated. We particularly value the reliability of the service; same carer at the same time every morning, which provides continuity and reassurance, and enables the vital building of trust. We would not hesitate to recommend SD Homecare to others.
Let me take this opportunity to thank all the staff who have been involved with (name withheld)’s care, and the staff that have not been directly involved. With out your help my task would have been much harder. I would like to mention in particular (name withheld) and (name withheld) as they have had to deal with (name withheld) the longest, and since they finished I can appreciate the help they really gave to me. Thanks also to (name withheld) [manager] her efforts in trying to keep the same staff members returning was so valuable, new faces were always a problem for (name withheld) and especially for the staff member, as they had to take the brunt of any verbal abuse that was thrown at them. Kindest regards.